Joey's Wine Rack
I have over 20 combined years of restaurant and wine store experience. The idea behind this show comes from many conversations around the Paisano table. Wine doesn’t have to be confusing or only for the rich, but it should be fun. Together, we’ll explore some great reasonably priced wines from around the world and we’ll help you unlock the secrets of pairing food with wine, help you decide what wines you like, maybe learn a few things along the way and have some fun while we do it.
I've always enjoyed wine and once upon a time, even made "wine", back in Iowa. That was just an excuse to drink some super sugary schlock and then have the audacity to mix it with a coke, you know just to give it a bit more of a sugar rush. Thankfully, I learned my lesson. Fast forward to the '80's & 90's and I spent 10 years working nearly every position in an Italian restaurant & started fine tuning my palate and also worked in a wine shop where I learned Much from an amazing woman who knew enough to fill volumes. Perhaps one of the best things I learned from Kat was that good wine doesn't have to break the bank.
After spending time both in restaurants and wine shop retail, I took a bit of time off and continued to enjoy wine with la famiglia, friends and the dogs. After a time, I had the opportunity to become part of an upstart terrestrial radio station after a conversation with a musician brother. I let ideas bounce around in my head for a bit and came up with Joey's Wine Rack as a name for my show & page, too. It became a bit of a running gag - "What's in Joey's Wine Rack" today.